Monday, February 23, 2009

Can IT help develop Sri Lanka

Information Technology today is a vast field spreading its roots to the nooks corners of every economic aspect of life. Having said the same presence of IT dose not necessarily make things happen, until it is being applied to the context of efficiency improvement.

IT can be used to help our economy, mainly in two directions.
  1. Usage of IT for improving the internal efficiencies of our complete Eco system, including government, corporates, enterprises, industries to individuals, reducing cost of production and improving the quality
  2. Ability of exporting the expertise in IT to other countries, commonly known as outsourcing
While we assumed that we can go the route TWO without having the ONE (true in some cases, such as simple BPO operations) the actual gain had been minimal on the economy. But we have jumped on the band wagon for a while and saw ourselves not being able to compete with countries like India. The very reason is being that Sri Lanka is not capable of producing large number of low level workers due to our size of population and available infrastructure. However we have been producing good quality specialists.

Specialists will emerge from practice, if we do not practice it is difficult to produce a workforce with those skills. Repetitive outsourcing jobs do not produce high skilled innovators, where encouraging small entrepreneurs to work on verticals would produce more specialists. The fortunate situation in IT industry,unlike any other industry is the initial investments are not that high and the number of people to start is also not so critical.

Recently I saw our Hon. President has appointed an Indian as his IT adviser, which that person has refused to accept for certain reasons. Hon. President, while India is very strong in IT, they are in a different business paradigm, their business model would not work for us. Further, there are enough Sri Lankan's (many who are living even abroad) who will be willing to give you advice on what is right for our tiny nation. Ask for it, you will have our heart and soul with you.

I can point few things that we should do, if we are to really use IT for our economic development.

  • Apply IT for internal processes to improve efficiency
  • Create more number of smaller IT related businesses in the country
Let us start with IT for internal use and discuss what are our burning issues as a country? my thinking it is Internal inefficiency
  1. We should have a ministry for IT (any way we have so many ministries, what difference it makes having one more). Currently it is mixed with science and Technology which is much more broader to handled by one minister. Then we need to find someone who is young and enterprising who can take the lead in. (just for an example see when Dr Palitha Kohona speaks in international PR)
  2. We should have compiled our citizen database ( we have been talking, ...... and still do). The story so far is we have made it so complicated and we invited large international companies to design it for us, where still nothing happens. Hon. President, this should be one of your accelerated programmes (like "maga neguma"), we should do it in months, not years. Also we don't need so many experts, let us do it ourselves. It cannot be a miraculous job to create a 20 million record database.
  3. Why cant RMV(registrar of motor vehicles), Registrar of Persons, Elections commissioner and Police use a common database. They don't work together, ask if they do!!! Without this there are isolated islands of information, recollected many times without any significant proactive usage. Imagine if this information is available it can be simply be disseminated for authentication and verification of citizens and vehicles, driving licenses etc. If you drive around you will know how many times your ID number and Vehicle number is manually written down by officers, without any ability of cross referencing the information they see.(since this is a seperte topic itself, I would write an another article on this)
  4. Once we achieve these basic infrastructure, link income tax to all the other citizen services. Don't think too complex. The more complex you think would take more time. All IT systems need to be improved over period of time, faster than you think.
  5. Once we achieve this we need to link all the citizens and enterprises to the same system
While doing this we will develop this we would have develop enough experts whom we can sell value added services to outside world.

On the other hand development of expertise and enterprises
  1. Promote local IT services companies against the rest, but ask them to be certified , dont use tender conditions such as last year revenue which will disqualify all local bidders (instead of revenue measure the capabilities) - if tender processes are not correct- change those.
  2. Promote smaller IT companies more - take their taxes off - Trust me they will bring foreign exchange when they are up and running
  3. Create more environment for research, tell the problems you have and asked people to come up with solutions - Don't publish tender documents prepared by people who has no knowledge to write specifications - if rules need to change - change those!
  4. Provide the infrastructure - not the capital - Innovative IT projects do not need large sums of capital, but innovative thinking and proper infrastructure to survive.
I have tried summarizing in a nut shell what we should do, specifically as the first step of improving the security of our country the base platforms should be fully IT driven.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Butterflies in my Stomach


I am amazed by the response I got within few days of opening up our blog. Let me highlight my intentions on the Blog and explain few things that we should do together.

  • What are the opportunities available for us to take the country to economic prosperity (What we are good at).
  • What is missing in the equation
  • Help each other in filling the missing parts of the equation.
But what I don't expect is,
  • Government machinery will come and Help, unless we could show some significant changes.
Why I believe we can do it,
  • Because there is a large expatriate community who are knowledgeable, economically better but without being able to help
  • There are good entrepreneurs living in Sri Lanka with something missing in equation
Why I think Government cannot help at this stage,
  • Government has bigger problems to solve (at least they think)
  • Government cannot address verticals easily. But we can be only successful by working on verticals (like many European countries)
  • System has not produced enough Think Tanks -(Politics :-))
What are the pitfalls when we get together and drive this,
  • Remember what is missing in most cases for entrepreneur expansion (5- 25 people companies doing specialized projects - like luxury boats, or special crop etc) is the Capital and Marketing
  • So even if we connect the capital with entrepreneur who will grantee the investment (traditionally I have seen our people have less financial management skills and end up cheating the investors)
  • Benefits for taking the risk is = patriotism only (moreover less)
What can we do?
  • We should take the risk people who live here and people who live outside and also should take the lead to fill the missing gaps
  • Encourage government to participate on this process to learn the dynamics and help secure the environment.
  • Find new opportunities
  • Help in Marketing ( we are too bad at this )
So the list can go on!!

I think the first thing we could do is
  • Identify some industry verticals
  • Collect expertise
  • Create a blog
  • Bring in possible missing parts of the equation
  • create an echo system so that vertical will survive - bringing in gov to keep transparency and investment security

Here goes my two cents, so patriots, can you please add your two cents to this as well.


Friday, February 6, 2009

It is time we get together - Siwhelayani !

Yesterday night I went to see "Dayata Kirula" exhibition, and I was so amazed to see the transformation that has happened in the country. Three years back I was exhibiting and the show was small and had almost no attraction. But yesterday it reminded me the old days, on our way back we even tasted a "Saara Wita" and hat's off for the security personnel, we felt so comfortable with few hundred thousand people who were rushing inside.

My friends, the transformation is happening. the age of Parakumba is on the way, But not without your help and contribution. This site is an open invitation to all (Siwhela) Sri Lankan children to come and contribute ideas and take on line or off-lines to make that economic transformation we need.

For the time being this blog will be kept for registered blogger s only to stop the intruders trying to sabotage, but will open eventually to all, when all of us understand the reality (not that dream of past 30 years).

So please feel free to start commenting and based on your contribution I will add you as a co- author when you qualify (sorry I am not trying to be the judge of someones capability, it is purely for keeping the place little clean)

Thanks and Best Regards